Page name: Temple Of Life [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-10-11 02:47:45
Last author: Shatureel
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Goddess Of Life

Temple Of Life



Name: Shatureel
Nick Names: Goddess of Life
Sex: Unknown
Age: Ageless
Ability: Power to Create Life.
Dislikes: People who judge others for any reason.
Weapon of choice: Staff of Life
Powers: 1) Shapeshifter, 2) Psychokinesis - : movement of physical objects by the mind without use of physical means. 3) Telekinesis : the production of motion in objects (as by a spiritualistic medium) without contact or other physical means 
Animal symbol: White Leapord and White Wolf

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God of Sorrow  owned by [Ajsinnott]

My dear loyal subjects please go and check out Pumpkin Land



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2006-03-03 [erowen]: *sighs and falls to floor*

2006-03-04 [DRACE]: o.o

2006-03-04 [+Shadow+]: Hello Drace.....

2006-03-04 [Venom Boy]: Tickled your fancy? *Looks at Rifft* Really? Hmm.....Well then let her tickle your fucking fancy. Its not ganna work out between you and I hunny. Its over. You were right, you are an ass and I hate you.

2006-03-05 [Amack]: ouch!

2006-03-05 [+Shadow+]: He fucked up big time...............

2006-03-05 [Amack]: sorry to hear that

2006-03-05 [+Shadow+]: Dont be. It was a matter of time before he fucked it up with Kirstie.

2006-03-05 [Venom Boy]: Shut up Lezlie. Nobody asked your big mouth.

2006-03-05 [+Shadow+]: Fuck off Kirstie! Just because the guy you "THOUGHT!" you really fell for finds you uninteresting DOES NOT mean you can take it out on everyone else!

2006-03-05 [Amack]: (backing out of temple slowly)

2006-03-05 [Venom Boy]: You! Stay! She is going to need a damn witness for what I am going to do to her!

2006-03-05 [+Shadow+]: OHHH! Im really scared now!

2006-03-05 [Venom Boy]: Your ganna be......

2006-03-05 [+Shadow+]: Oh shut the fuck up Kirstie, you cant scare a damn fly!

2006-03-05 [DRACE]: she scares me

2006-03-05 [DRACE]: ok so which of u is who, I kinda am lost, which is Kirstie? o.O

2006-03-05 [DRACE]: anyhow, Riff says hello, he is sitting beside me, he just stopped by to pay my dad for the net time he used and well, he will be online soon, so meh ;P

2006-03-05 [RIFT KEEPER]: by the power vested in me, by the world council, I hearby stat that [Venom Boy] and [DRACE] are... no wait, screw the marriage, [Venom Boy] already has someone

2006-03-05 [+Shadow+]: Yes she has some one. Soo.............

2006-03-05 [Amack]: ..... is the argument over yet?

2006-03-05 [+Shadow+]: yeah

2006-03-05 [Amack]: (whew) good, i hate arguments

2006-03-05 [+Shadow+]: So do I.

2006-03-05 [Amack]: yeah, and i'd ask what the background on all that was but A. it might be a long story, and B. it's none of my buisness

2006-03-05 [+Shadow+]: A. Rifft. B. You kinda were in the argument. Well you saw it.,

2006-03-05 [Amack]: rifft?

2006-03-05 [Venom Boy]: [RIFT KEEPER]

2006-03-06 [DRACE]: he can't answer u, i am watching his house now because he is off hunting out bush somewhere, he wouldn't tell me where either >.< , that bloody pisses me off the useless prick

2006-03-07 [RIFT KEEPER]: yer, Riff left only yesterday, bloody fool is out of mobile range >.<

2006-03-07 [DRACE]: [Venom Boy]

2006-03-08 [erowen]: sory everyone

2006-03-09 [DRACE]: sorry for the crappy comment that was here before ~_~

2006-03-09 [Amack]: (raises hand) i'd miss you! i don't know who you are, but it would suck if you died.

2006-03-10 [Shatureel]: And I would miss you too [DRACE],

2006-03-10 [DRACE]: thanks... *nods*

2006-03-11 [Amack]: anytime!

2006-03-13 [Shatureel]: *Smiles and looks around* Now I want you all to listen to me and listen well. I do not want fighting going on here. This is a place to share good times and to have fun and meet new ppl. So please no more fighting.

2006-03-13 [Amack]: ok

2006-03-16 [DRACE]: awww... but, but, but... *sadly puts away his daggers and guns*

2006-03-16 [erowen]: hi everyone

2006-03-17 [Shatureel]: Don't worry [DRACE] when we need your daggers I will ask you for them. Hello [erowen]

2006-03-18 [RIFT KEEPER]: hello people, I am back, [DRACE] says hi and I say hello sexy *hugs [erowen]*

2006-03-18 [Amack]: aw, hugs are good

2006-03-18 [RIFT KEEPER]: thats true, because they tend to lead to other things

2006-03-18 [Amack]: mmm, really now (raises eyebrow)

2006-03-18 [RIFT KEEPER]: anyhow, here is something for you people to have a laugh at -I nearly shot myself in the foot a few days ago, my rifle locked up and well yer, I was checking if there was something caought in the barrel, so I shoock the gun alittle and I dropped it, the gun hit the ground and fired the bullet just under my boot. so I came back here

2006-03-18 [Amack]: hahaha, that is kinda funny!

2006-03-18 [DRACE]: thats what I said and Riff hit me *whimpers*

2006-03-19 [Amack]: AAAHH! Riff, don't hit me!

2006-03-19 [Shatureel]: *puts arm around [DRACE] shoulder* Next time he hits you, hit him back.

2006-03-19 [DRACE]: I did and he hit me again, meh but anyways he will be going soon again, he was only getting some food supplies and then going again >.<

2006-03-19 [honey bunny]: well he will be sadly missed

2006-03-21 [DRACE]: heh, I hope not *laughs evily* its all been planned *snaps out of it, looks around oddly... then walks away in a hurry*

2006-03-21 [Amack]: is it just me, or was that odd?

2006-03-22 [DRACE]: *has flashbakcs of giving someone photos of Riff and a huge amount of money* O.O

2006-03-22 [Shatureel]: Odd Indeed, [DRACE] you dreaming of knocking Rift off again?

2006-03-23 [honey bunny]: [DRACE] be nice Rift is my friend and you don't want to make me angry

2006-03-23 [DRACE]: but i like it when your angry... *grins innocently*

2006-03-23 [Shatureel]: *Looks over at [honey bunny] and grins* he would won't he.

2006-03-23 [DRACE]: and whats that suppose to mean [Shatureel] *looks confussed... as always* >.<

2006-03-23 [Shatureel]: It means that you are a little devil [DRACE] and that innocent angelic smile of yours does not hide it..

2006-03-23 [DRACE]: *blushes*

2006-03-23 [Shatureel]: *smiles* 

2006-03-24 [DRACE]: *shrinks back inyo his coat and hides from everyone*

2006-03-24 [Amack]: (looks around) where'd he go?

2006-03-24 [DRACE]: *finds a cookie in one of his coat's pockets and starts munching on it*

2006-03-24 [Amack]: what's that munching sound?

2006-03-25 [Shatureel]: Yummy cookies *turns to [DRACE] and points* he's got cookies.

2006-03-25 [honey bunny]: [DRACE] I want a cookie

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: *sniffs around in his coat and finds a box of cookies and tosses it over to the others* ^,^

2006-03-25 [honey bunny]: *smiles* thank you

2006-03-25 [Shatureel]: Me want one too.

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: your welcome ^________^ >>>>> the golden years r here at last... the golden years can kiss my ass

2006-03-25 [Shatureel]: Mine too. *laughs*

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: *tosses a box to [Shatureel]. as he finds a few more boxes* o.O

2006-03-25 [Shatureel]: Thanks sweety. *rips box open and starts munching*

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: *looks into one of his coat's pockets and finds the lost city of Alantis* o.O

2006-03-25 [Shatureel]: OOOOOOOOOOOOOO, can I see, can I see, pretty please.

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: *opens his coat and lets [Shatureel] come inside* lol its like Doctor Who's ship lol

2006-03-25 [Shatureel]: I love that show. they gave it tonight, its on right now

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: *licks [Shatureel]'s right hand... amoung other things*...

2006-03-25 [Shatureel]: Yea amoung other things.

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: hehe *grins innocently or how some put it, 'devilishly'* ^_~

2006-03-25 [Shatureel]: yea *devilishly* you are my friend

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: *looks up at [Shatureel], grinning innocently, as he wiggles his butt and prepares to pounce on her*

2006-03-25 [Shatureel]: *eyes {DRACE]* Boy you better not pounce on me.

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: O.O *stops wiggling*

2006-03-25 [Shatureel]: Thats a good boy. *blows you a kiss*

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: *catchs the kiss* eh anyways, any of u know [The Fantastic Elk]? o.O

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: he sent me this message -> Knock that fucken shit off in that wiki. Im fucking serious dude. Grow up and quit acting like a fucken KID dammit.

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: and I sent this back to him -> if u don't like it, than take it up with the guards or ignore it, if not well thats not my problem now is it, just because I have imagination and u don't

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: I mean don't ya just hate people like that, if their not having fun its like they think they can make others not have fun like them - lol what a tool

2006-03-25 [Shatureel]: Yea, but no one has ever sent me a message like that one.

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: meh, well your lucky... thats the third since I have joined elfpack >.<

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: *goes back to his den, lays on his bed, puts his headphones on, turns his cd player up fully and listens to techno disco, as the world melts into the background*

2006-03-27 [erowen]: hello everyone, i just recently got the internet at home so i will be on quite freqently

2006-03-28 [DRACE]: *walks out of his den and over to [erowen], he gets on one knee and kisses her hand, then gets up and goes back to his den*

2006-03-28 [erowen]: wow, my first day back and look what i get

2006-03-28 [Amack]: this place is so random......... sweet!

2006-03-29 [DRACE]: its not that random... *bursts out of his den and dances around, than relieses he can be seen and runs back into his den*

2006-03-29 [Shatureel]: What is random about us, please do tell.

2006-03-29 [erowen]: yes i would like to know also

2006-03-29 [Amack]: well, for one thing, [DRACE]. Period. but, i guess that's about it. and there's nothing wrong with randomness............ NINJAS! (ninjas pop out of ceiling)

2006-03-30 [DRACE]: *goes back to the temple... climbs up {Shatureel] and sits on her shoulder* hello ^___^

2006-03-30 [Amack]: ya see? randomness!

2006-03-30 [Shatureel]: *Smiles at [DRACE]* Hello my friend. *Turns and looks at [Amack] thats not randomness, thats just [DRACE].

2006-03-30 [DRACE]: yep and don't u forget... *whispers sweet nothings into [Shatureel]'s right ear*

2006-03-30 [Shatureel]: *smiles sweetly* 

2006-03-30 [erowen]: aww i love it when we all get along

2006-03-30 [DRACE]: lol me too... *dry humps [Shatureel]'s shoulder*

2006-03-30 [erowen]: lol thats not right

2006-03-30 [Amack]: *grabs a bag of popcorn* hey, i don't mind

2006-03-30 [erowen]: *reaches over and grabs some popcorn*

2006-03-31 [Amack]: anybody else want some? this is quite entertaining.

2006-03-31 [honey bunny]: grabs a handful of popcorn and pop it one at a time into mouth

2006-04-01 [DRACE]: o.O *stops and looks at everyone*

2006-04-01 [erowen]: the akward silence

2006-04-01 [honey bunny]: *smiles and waves*

2006-04-01 [Shatureel]: *Laughs loudly* You are all a bunch of dirty minded children.

2006-04-02 [erowen]: what i didnt say anything lol

2006-04-02 [Shatureel]: I am laughing

2006-04-02 [Amack]: hey, it's entertaining, what can i say. not in a dirty way, but a funny way!

2006-04-02 [Shatureel]: Yea I have to agree.

2006-04-02 [DRACE]: *sits up a bit to fast and falls backwads off [Shatureel]'s shoulder, lands upside down on his head*

2006-04-11 [Shatureel]: (bends down and picks [DRACE] up and gently places him back on shoulder) There now, be still my sweets, does your head hurt?

2006-04-11 [DRACE]: not as much as my undrawned balls... but thats another story...

2006-04-11 [Shatureel]: *laughing* And what a story it must be.

2006-04-11 [DRACE]: hmmm anyways... *licks your neck playfuly*

2006-04-11 [Shatureel]: *rubs the top of [DRACE] head gently* sweet

2006-04-11 [DRACE]: anyways if u can't tell... I am kinda feeling frisky... its night here so hehe ^_~

2006-04-11 [Shatureel]: Well keep it in your pants, this is not the place for it. We have had enough excitement around here. LOL

2006-04-11 [DRACE]: awww... but u never know, i might be the one that makes u choke*

2006-04-11 [Shatureel]: *knocks [DRACE] off shoulder and pins him down with foot* Only your dreams lover boy.

2006-04-11 [DRACE]: well yer untill I track u down and prove it darlin ^_~

2006-04-11 [erowen]: *walks in shyly and looks around*

2006-04-12 [DRACE]: *looks over to [erowen] and bows to her, then runs off to his den, puts his long brown pants on, long black coat and wide brim hat on, then walks behind the bar and grabs a smirnoff*

2006-04-12 [erowen]: hey bartender, grab me a coke will ya!!!

2006-04-12 [DRACE]: *grins slides a coke down the bar to [erowen], opens his smirnoff and takes a gulp*

2006-04-12 [erowen]: *smiles* thanks *kisses [DRACE] on the cheek*

2006-04-14 [DRACE]: *blushs* thanks

2006-04-14 [erowen]: anytime

2006-04-14 [DRACE]: heh, this would have to be the third time I have been on at the same time as u... *smiles and hugs [erowen]*

2006-04-14 [erowen]: yay not many people talk to me anymore

2006-04-14 [DRACE]: o.o mmm y? your sweet and cuddlily and eatable *looks u up and down, licking his lips*

2006-04-14 [erowen]: i dont know and you better quit, im already taken

2006-04-14 [Raikcoes]: wow. sheesh umm..

2006-04-14 [erowen]: what?

2006-04-14 [Raikcoes]: nothing, just ignore me -jumps up in the rafters-

2006-04-14 [Amack]: whoa! we have rafters?

2006-04-14 [erowen]: weve had them for a while now

2006-04-14 [Amack]: Sweet! (tries to jump in rafters, trips over and falls)

2006-04-14 [erowen]: stupid

2006-04-15 [DRACE]: o.O *scampers up a wall and across the celling, then drops down the light fixture and swings back and forth by use of his tail...*

2006-04-15 [erowen]: is that all you do

2006-04-16 [DRACE]: if u don't like it then shut up

2006-04-17 [Raikcoes]: wow hostility in here is high -wonders through the rafters-

2006-04-17 [DRACE]: *looks up at [Raikcoes]'s tail and starts wiggling, preparing to pounce*

2006-04-17 [Raikcoes]: -smirks and watches [DRACE] closecly- careful you must, or you might disturbe the dust.

2006-04-17 [DRACE]: *stops wiggling and sighs... scampers up a wall and across the celling, then drops down the light fixture, curls up and goes to sleep*

2006-04-17 [Raikcoes]: -smiles and quietly goes over to you and drapes my wing over you- night drace

2006-04-17 [DRACE]: *wakes up suddenly and grabs your wing, not letting go* hehe

2006-04-17 [Raikcoes]: -ish shocked- eeepppp -falls-

2006-04-17 [DRACE]: *grins, lets go, grows his wings and jumps up into what little space there is in the room and flies outside*

2006-04-17 [Raikcoes]: -takes flight- you didnt have ta scare me lol -perches back in the rafters- so, are you a shapeshifter?

2006-04-17 [DRACE]: kind of yes, the name I am using is from my comic character, he is alien to earth, but creatures like him r here, his race is called wolflings, but they died ages ago, except for like 3000 left, anyways, to make it shorter, he has a parasyte tail, it has a mind of its own to >.< and can grow wings and walk on 2 or 4 legs <<< if u understand that, u r better then most lol

2006-04-17 [Raikcoes]: -smiles- i understood all of that.  been told by lots, that it is one of my best traits, understanding, caring, and total respect. well thats what im told ne ways lmao -wonders through the rafters-

2006-04-17 [DRACE]: *flies up high over the lake, then leans back, retracts his wings and free-falls... opening his wings just in time to fling back up into the sky*

2006-04-17 [Raikcoes]: -smiles and watches you- now thats fun ^_^

2006-04-17 [DRACE]: heh, I wouldn't mind doing it for real, I do in my dreams, I have ever since I was 7, alot happened to me then...

2006-04-17 [Raikcoes]: a lot has happened to me as well hun. if you wanna talk about it i will be willing to listen. -hugs-

2006-04-17 [DRACE]: mmm, *lands by his den, retracts his wings and goes inside, strips off and takes a shower*

2006-04-17 [DRACE]: *BURSTS out of his den and dances in the nude... then relieses he can be seen and runs back to his shower*

2006-04-17 [DRACE]: *puts his long brown pants on, long black coat and wide brim hat back on, lights up a cigar and walks outside, sits on the steps and and looks up at the sky dreamly*

2006-04-17 [Raikcoes]: -smiles and giggles- nice -sighs and sits next to you and just stares off-

2006-04-17 [DRACE]: *looks to u and smiles, hands u a single red rose*

2006-04-17 [Raikcoes]: -smiles and blushes- thanks -smells-

2006-04-17 [DRACE]: your welcome ^_~

2006-04-17 [Raikcoes]: -smiles and sets the rose next to me on the ground- your sweet -hugs-

2006-04-17 [DRACE]: eh, so people keep telling me *grins and hugs back*

2006-04-17 [Raikcoes]: -giggles- its true, if you hear it from more than one.

2006-04-17 [DRACE]: hmmm well I can only be me, cause everyone else is taken ^_~ lol

2006-04-17 [Raikcoes]: lol true, and all everyone else can do is complain about it or except the fact that you are you and me, well i am me

2006-04-17 [DRACE]: lol

2006-04-17 [Raikcoes]: -smiles- and me personally, what you see is what you get, and if you have a problem with it, like my house says, you know where the F@cking door is lmao

2006-04-17 [DRACE]: hmmm... well in the case of my bedroom... i know where the doorway is, cause i have no door ;_;

2006-04-17 [Raikcoes]: lol same here

2006-04-17 [DRACE]: anyways... byebyes *hugs u tight, then fades away like smoke in the wind*

2006-04-17 [Raikcoes]: -smiles and huggles- night hun

2006-04-18 [RIFT KEEPER]: I see u found a new friend [DRACE], u old dog, hello [Raikcoes], how r u m'lady

2006-04-18 [erowen]: hey [RIFT KEEPER] long time no see

2006-04-18 [Shatureel]: Wow loads of talking, I am very pleased.

2006-04-18 [Amack]: cool!

2006-04-18 [Shatureel]: Hello there, have you become a member yet

2006-04-18 [*sexy_lez*]: hi may i join this amazing wiki

2006-04-18 [Shatureel]: yes you may, just go to the members and edit

2006-04-18 [Raikcoes]: -smiles- i am fine keeper

2006-04-19 [Amack]: me? uh, no, I don't think so.

2006-04-19 [erowen]: hello everyone

2006-04-19 [Raikcoes]: hey

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